Reno, Nevada
Remi Warren is a nomad. Check in with him at any point in the hunting year, and he will be in Africa, New Zealand, Montana, Alaska, or wherever his tags and thirst for adventure might take him. It requires a singular drive to spend over 300 days a year hunting, guiding, hiking, and traveling the world. But we can’t imagine how else Remi might live — the Nevada native has been doing it his entire life.
What goes through your head when you first wake up in the morning when you go hunting?
Coffee...never mind. I am ready to roll. I want coffee?
Where is your favourite place to hunt?
Anywhere there are big mountains and wild animals.
If you could do anything better, what would it be?
I feel like I could always be better at shooting a bow, both traditional or compound. No matter how much I practice or how good I think I might be, I always strive to be better. Nothing is more important than making that perfect shot.
Who are your heroes?
My heroes are the people in my family: my parents, brothers, and grandparents. They are shining examples of hard work, generosity, and unwavering character that is rare in this world. Their excellence in everything pushes me to live the same. I admire them and look up to them for that.
If there is any love-hate relationship with any aspect of what you do, can you describe what that is?
I love to be around people, but I also really love to be alone. It is a hard balance to figure out.
What sound or noise do you love?
The sound of a bugling elk in September.
What would be your day job if you weren’t doing what you are currently doing?
Something outside and seasonal...wildland firefighter. Who knows. I would probably have a bunch of random jobs and travel around to find different seasonal work. It is hard to think of doing anything other than what I am doing because I have worked so hard and chased what has always been my dream. I don’t really know what other path I could have taken.