Volborg, Montana

Jess Lockwood’s packed one standout moment after another. In 2016, he was named PBR Rookie of the Year. In 2017, he was hailed as the youngest bull rider to win the PBR World Championship, and in 2019, he won the PBR World Championship again. He’s the youngest two-time world champion in PBR history and contributes his inspiration to his unique roster of family heroes, including his father, an accomplished Saddle Bronc Rider, and his wife, two-time World Champion Barrel Racer Hailey Kinsel Lockwood.
What goes through your head when you first wake up in the morning?
Each morning I wake up the day of an event I’m just excited to be there because I’m doing what I love and not very many people get to do that.
Where is your favourite place to compete?
One of my favourite places to compete is AT&T stadium in Arlington, TX. It’s huge and unreal to be in, so it makes you feel really awesome.
Tell us a favourite story from a rodeo.
One story from bull riding I really like is from the 2017 PBR World Finals. It was the last day of competition and it came down to two of my best friends and myself for the title. Everyone figured we’d be pitted against each other, but we weren’t because it’s not us against each other in the sport – it’s us against the bull. So we each cheered one another on and wanted the others to do the best they could.
How do you up your game year after year?
Each year I am able to up my game by working my butt off day-in and day-out. Even in the off season, no days off. I also study bullriding with two of my heroes and mentors, Cody Lambert and Justin McBride.
If there is any love-hate relationship with any aspect of what you do, can you describe what that is?
The love hate relationship in bull riding is bull riding itself…I love riding the bulls, and they hate being ridden!
What sound or noise do you love?
I love the sound of that buzzer going off letting you know you made the full 8 seconds, that means you did your job.
What are the 3 most essential things you need?
My cowboy hat, my gear bag, and a no-quit, fearless mentality.